
Things that SUCK about being sick.

Here are some things that I hate about being sick...

Laying on the couch watching everyone work
Watching the same episodes of Spongebob every day
Pooping my pants while barfing
Having everyone feel bad for me
Only being able to eat Saltine's and Gatorade
When my mom gets sick then we both have to suffer
Not being able to go down the stairs without breathing hard
Aches and Pains
Terrible Headache
The horrible taste of Tums
Feeling hungry all the time
Having to take breaks from walking every five minutes
Having to change my underwear every time I fart (I try not to fart)
Not being able to practice my Violin for the past 3 weeks
Not being able to find something on T.V
Being slow
Being bored

Please share any thing that sucks for you when you are sick!


Hola I'm Jeff said...

Brit and I are crying from laughing so hard at your post. Dont forget barfing.

Kim Bringhurst said...

I ditto all of that! And to think... Dad won't go to the store to get us any "Depends"!

britaag said...

OH OH OH! Don't forget barfing

Jenifer said...

Bummer. Pun intended. Nothing is worse than the trots. Hope you don't run out of undies and feel better soon!