
An Unexpected Turn

It has been a hard couple of weeks for all of us, With the baby goats, and all the homeschool stuff. On Friday, we had an unexpected turn. We had a sick goat named Daisy who had two babies this year. One named Trigger, and the other named Pal. She is a very good mom and always worried about her babies. She got so overwhelmed, she got sick. She had Ketosis, which if not cured in time, will cause liver failure. Me and my mom always feed the animals in the morning, and when we went out Friday morning, She was dead. We tried as hard as we could to get her to pull through, but she was to weak. We took her to a place where she could be cremated, and they spread the ashes on Eagle Mountain. I will never forget that goat, She was very sweet, and was a very good mother. We now have to bottle feed her two babies, Trigger and Pal, and I hope she is happy in Eagle Mountain.


Kim Bringhurst said...

I miss Daisy too. She was the best goat mom I'd ever seen.