
Crazy Day!!

Yesterday was TOTALLY HECTIC!! Aha I love doing that, Anyways yesterday was CRAZY!! First in the morning I had to clean my house because I was hosting a Book Club that is in fact very fun, we are going to read "Of Mice and Magic" by some guy, I don't know what his name is, it goes from 11-1 but we had to end it 15 minutes early because we had to go to a play at 2:00 downtown, I had one of my friends from my book club come with us to the play, and her Grandpa had a aneurysm burst in his brain so she was having a bit of a rough time, I kept accidentally making her laugh while she was drinking it, so I told her to stop drinking because I had to burp, and I thought that would be a good thing so that I didn't burp while she was drinking, but instead it was bad and she spit her hot chocolate all over my mom's car, and my mom's white jacket. Ha... and then after that we had to drop her off at her house in Murray and then go to the Spaghetti Factory for my Grandma's birthday which was delicious, and then we went home. And I was done.


P.S The picture pretty much describes my day










:-hola, I'm Jeff!




Kim Bringhurst said...

I think you've gone mental!