

Dill. Definition: stinker, cutie pie, pain in the butt, comforter, family. Dill is a stinker. Maybe you know this, maybe you don't. Dill likes to chew things. Maybe you knew this, maybe you didn't. Yesterday night. Dill was extra bad. When we got home, we saw him chewing on some sudephedrin. My dad takes sudephedrin to cure his bad sinuses. They had to make sudephedrin and over the counter medicine, because people were giving it to their children, and accidentally overdosing them. We got the packet from Dill, and saw that there was only one left in the packet. He had one in his mouth. We didn't know if he had gotten any, or if he had, how many he had gotten. My Mom researched about what happens if your dog eats it, and it can be fatal. We called the vet, and took him in right away. They told us they were going to induce vomiting, and give him activated charcoal to soak up any of the sudephedrin that may already be in his intestines, and told us that we could run some errands for a little bit, and come back in an hour. Well, we went home and we got Brit, so that we could find him a winter coat. We were headed to Sports Authority when my Mom got a call. It was the vet. She told us that he had eaten a few pills, and that one pill was fatal. She told us that we could take him to an animal emergency clinic, where he would get the most aggressive treatment. He would have to stay over night. She said, he still might not make it. After hearing this, we picked up Dill, not knowing if this was the last time we were going to see him or not, and headed to the animal emergency clinic. They took him in, and the family sat. And waited. They told us he was doing much better than they thought, and they let us know that we could say goodnight. We walked into the place where they were keeping him, and he had IVs, and things stuck to his chest. He had a big cloth wrapped around his neck, holding a monitoring system. Dill was distressed. We had to say goodbye, hoping we would see him tomorrow, knowing we would not be able to sleep, and left. We went home, got some dinner, and hoped for the best, hoping for little ten pound Dill to pull through. We slept. The next morning my Mom got a call. Dill made it. He made it through the night. We were so happy. If Dill had died, the world as we know it would have shattered for us. I was overjoyed. Dill. Definition: Alive.


Polly B. said...

I'm so glad Dill is okay! I love that little stinker.